Production suspended – exports affected

Expanding domestic timber production
Vietnam aims for a 5-5.5% expansion in domestic forestry
production annually between 2021-2025 according to a
government decision approving an investment policy for
sustainable forestry development over the next five years.

In 2025 income from planted production forest is expected
to rise about 1.5 times compared to that in 2020.
Under Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP Vietnam’s forestry
sector “be developed into a modern, effective and
competitive sector with strong production chains”.

The sustainable forestry development programme targets
the sustainable management, protection, development and
exploitation of forests to create jobs, protect the
ecosystem, strengthen capacity to adapt to climate change,
and protect national defence and security.
The programme will focus on maintaining the forest
coverage at 42% and developing new areas in 2021-2025.


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